Panel Discussion 2.2: Innovating pedagogical practices: Teachers as data analysts
From Chang Zhan Dennis LEE 11 March, 2021
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2.2. Innovating pedagogical practices: Teachers as data analysts
With the proliferation of internet, the current generation of learners are growing up in an environment where information is easily accessible to them through a plethora of platforms and devices. As such, they naturally expect lessons to be delivered with greater emphasis on data so that theories may be supported by empirical evidences. Teachers thus require to perform at a higher level of being inquisitive analysts of data, so that they may share deeper insights for students to think deeper. Join the panel of experienced faculty members as they share their insights on these pressing issues based on their experiences in their project developments.
Speaker:Dr. Elizabeth Koh Ruilin
Ms. Yvonne Seng Bee Gek
A/P Swarup Mukherjee
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