Search for tag: "level"

Keynote1: Not a 50-50: Blended Learning - A/P Shanti Divaharan (LSA)

Not a 50-50: Blended learningWith the recent disruptions to face-to-face classes, the significance of blended learning as an instructional approach has gained increased emphasis across all ages of…

From  Chang Zhan Dennis LEE 0 likes 74 plays 0  

Panel Discussion 1.2 : Living the new education normal: Flipped learning with authentic resources

1.2. Living the new education normal: Flipped learning with authentic resources Flipped learning has sometimes been over-simplistically described as one that students 'learn' first at home,…

From  Chang Zhan Dennis LEE 0 likes 43 plays 0  

[NEN Webinar] Sparking a multilevel learning epidemic through action-oriented research during COVID-19

Hong Kong schools experienced the longest period of school suspension to date due to COVID-19. eCitizen Education 360 is a comprehensive 360-degree survey study with wide community support to achieve…

From  Wan Ting Vivian YEO 0 likes 13 plays 0  

Chasing the COVID Blues Away #2 - Grow your own green chews

Grow your own green chews (Green Clan) by Prof Paul Teng (NIEI) and Brian Thian (PGDE)

From  Wan Ting Vivian YEO 0 likes 18 plays 0