Search for tag: "ITL"

ITL Energiser 1: Stretching the boundaries of creativity and innovation | VOD

'Stretching the boundaries of creativity and innovation' aims to employ aspects of imagery principles from Physical Education in a creative way to help participants envision how they may…

From  Chang Zhan Dennis LEE 11 March, 2021 0 likes 35 plays 0  

ITL Energiser 2: Crafting your personalized opinion/ideas on innovation: Part 1 | VOD

'Crafting your personalized opinion/ideas on innovation’ is a hands-on activity, where participants may design a representative work on what ‘innovation’ means to them. This…

From  Chang Zhan Dennis LEE 11 March, 2021 0 likes 10 plays 0  

ITL Energiser 3: Crafting your personalized opinion/ideas on innovation: Part 2

Participants will showcase their works to fellow participants and Mr Rethinavel will engage them in short discussions on how their works are representative of their innovative thoughts and ideas or…

From  Chang Zhan Dennis LEE 11 March, 2021 0 likes 13 plays 0  

Keynote1: Not a 50-50: Blended Learning - A/P Shanti Divaharan (LSA)

Not a 50-50: Blended learningWith the recent disruptions to face-to-face classes, the significance of blended learning as an instructional approach has gained increased emphasis across all ages of…

From  Chang Zhan Dennis LEE 11 March, 2021 0 likes 85 plays 0  

Panel Discussion 3.2: Leveraging the innovation: AI and mobile technologies

3.2 Leveraging the innovation: AI and mobile technologies Artificial Intelligence (AI) and mobile technologies can be found almost everywhere today. Various laborious and mundane tasks such as…

From  Chang Zhan Dennis LEE 11 March, 2021 0 likes 26 plays 0  

Panel Discussion 3.1: Leveraging the innovation: Extended reality

3.1 Leveraging the innovation: Extended reality Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Mixed Reality (MR), Extended Reality (ER)...what are they and how are they different? Is differentiation…

From  Chang Zhan Dennis LEE 11 March, 2021 0 likes 20 plays 0  

Panel Discussion 2.2: Innovating pedagogical practices: Teachers as data analysts

2.2. Innovating pedagogical practices: Teachers as data analysts With the proliferation of internet, the current generation of learners are growing up in an environment where information is easily…

From  Chang Zhan Dennis LEE 11 March, 2021 0 likes 30 plays 0  

Panel Discussion 1.2 : Living the new education normal: Flipped learning with authentic resources

1.2. Living the new education normal: Flipped learning with authentic resources Flipped learning has sometimes been over-simplistically described as one that students 'learn' first at home,…

From  Chang Zhan Dennis LEE 11 March, 2021 0 likes 49 plays 0  

Keynote3: Two Decades of AI Practice in Higher Education-A Personal Perspective - Prof. Ong Yew Soon (NTU/DSAIR)

Two Decades of AI Practice in Higher Education - A Personal PerspectiveThe prevalence of data availability has significant ramifications on the evolution of artificial intelligence. This rapid growth…

From  Chang Zhan Dennis LEE 11 March, 2021 0 likes 79 plays 0  

Keynote2: Transforming Teaching with Data and Artificial Intelligence - A/P David Ng Foo Seong (AD/AQ)

Transforming teaching with Data and Artificial IntelligenceTransformation of teaching practices is a comprehensive endeavour that comprise of multiple factors, including the adoption of latest…

From  Chang Zhan Dennis LEE 11 March, 2021 0 likes 30 plays 0  

ITL Opening Address

From  Chang Zhan Dennis LEE 11 March, 2021 0 likes 35 plays 0